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Which condom should I choose?

The most important thing for most people is that the condom fits well and is easy to put on. Most people feel that a shaped condom fits better than a completely straight one, while the straight ones can be somewhat easier to roll on.

Choose a condom that fits as well as possible in size when erect. We provide measurements for all our condoms and the main thing you should look for is a suitable length and girth.

Sensitive and Grande XL are the largest condoms in terms of size, although they have slightly different shapes and properties, and Tight is the smallest and tightest.

A thin condom gives a more close-to-the-skin feeling, which many appreciate. The very thinnest of our condoms is called Beyond Thin.

Certain condoms also have a specific property, like taste for example, or texture.

Last updated: 2023.01.06