What aspects of sustainability have you taken into account when developing your new sex toys? Do you feel it is important?
We always strive to meet demands for sustainability from several aspects, from environmental, health and social perspectives. Here are a few:
– all products are rechargeable, i.e. they do not contain batteries (except for the remote control for the Keep Me Close panty vibrator)
– we have chosen cardboard, colors, printing technology, etc. with environmental aspects in mind
– clear instructions on how packaging and products are sorted for recycling
– we have chosen functionality on several of the products to meet certain needs of people with disabilities
– we have ensured that the materials are so-called body-safe materials, i.e. we follow set requirements and regulations for products used close to the body
– our products not only make you and your sex life better, but also the world you live in. A world where you are free to express your sexuality, love who you want, and have the right to decide over your own body. By choosing RFSU products, you support our work for sexual and human rights – for your, my and everybody’s freedom.