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Say goodbye to lingering urinary tract infections

Category:Intimate health, Menopause

Every year, around half a million women get a urinary tract infection. And once you’ve had one, it’s easy to suffer a recurrence. Every third woman has problems once again within 6 months. But there is help available.

An over-the-counter treatment for urinary tract infections

UrinCUR Utipro Plus AF is unique in that it treats the root cause of urinary tract infection. Tablets are taken at the first symptom and are effective within 48 hours with reduced burning and the need to urinate frequently. The product can also be used for preventive purposes against recurrent urinary tract infections.

UrinCUR is a medical way to treat uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections (i.e mild symptoms such as burning and the need to urinate frequently). If symptoms persist after 5 days, you should contact a doctor.

Urinary tract infections are very common. Every year, around half a million women get a urinary tract infection. One in two women will be affected in their lifetime.

Once you have had a urinary tract infection, it is easy to suffer a recurrence. Every third woman who has had a urinary tract infection will have a new infection within 6 months.

A common infection among women

Urinary tract infections are very common. Every year, around half a million women get a urinary tract infection. One in two women will be affected in their lifetime

Once you have had a urinary tract infection, it is easy to suffer a recurrence. Every third woman who has had a urinary tract infection will have a new infection within 6 months

Why do you get a urinary tract infection?

What many people don’t know is that the root cause of urinary tract infections is due to intestinal bacteria. Often it is E.coli bacteria that have migrated from the rectum on to the bladder and caused an infection there.

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UrinCUR works both in the intestines and the bladder

Protective barrier in the intestines

UrinCUR Utipro Plus AF prevents the spread of bacteria from the intestine. The ingredient xyloglucan coats the intestinal mucosa with a biofilm that acts as a protective barrier and prevents intestinal bacteria from spreading further to the bladder.

Reduces bacterial growth in the bladder

Acute symptoms are mitigated by propolis and hibiscus, which acidify the bladder’s environment and reduce bacterial growth.

svartvit kvinna med armar i kors
UrinCUR Utipro Plus AF is a medical treatment that both treats and prevents urinary tract infection.

How it treats urinary tract infections:

  • Rapid relief of symptoms
  • Reduces pain when urinating within 48 hours
  • Reduces the need to urinate frequently within 48 hours
  • 5 day treatment course within 5 days

How it prevents urinary tract infections

  • Effective protection against recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Long-lasting effect
  • Reduces the need for antibiotics*

*This product does not replace antibiotics as it does not have antibacterial properties. But UrinCUR Utipro Plus AF can be beneficial when used as a supplement to antibiotics to avoid recurrent urinary tract infections.


There are several published scientific studies that show that UrinCUR Utipro Plus AF is effective, safe and can be used in ongoing infections as well as in the prevention of recurrence with good results.

UrinCUR Utipro Plus AF is sold in over 20 countries in Europe and has been around since 2014. It has therefore, extensive clinical experience with many patients.

Summary of UrinCUR studies.

1. Before antibiotics are  introduced

At the first sign of symptoms of an uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection. However, a doctor should be contacted if the symptoms persist after 5 days.

2. In combination with antibiotics

During an antibiotic course, the product can be taken as a supplement to the treatment to prevent future infections.

3. To prevent against relapse

Use when you are more susceptible to a urinary tract infection, e.g. before a trip abroad.

Effective treatment for ongoing urinary tract infection.

urincur urinvagsinfektion rfsu

5-day treatment course

At the first sign of symptoms of urinary tract infection, UrinCUR Utipro Plus should be taken orally in the form of 2 capsules per day (1 capsule every 12 hours) for five days.

symbol 24h 2 kapslar per dag 5 dagar

Preventative course to prevent a relapse


2-month preventative course

To prevent recurrent infections, 1 capsule per day must be taken for at least 15 consecutive days per month.

symbol urincur dosering 2 manader

Tips if you have a urinary tract infection

We know that recurrent urinary tract infections are very troublesome and affect your quality of life. But you are not alone – urinary tract infection is one of the most common diseases in Sweden among women. There are a few things you can do to help reduce the risk of relapse, in addition to using UrinCUR, of course.

Keep yourself dry

Intestinal bacteria (e-coli), which are often the root cause of a urinary tract infection, find it easier to move in wet environments and thus migrate from the intestine to the urethra. There’s a reason why mom always said to change out of your bathing suit straight after a swim.

Pee often and do so after having sex

Drink plenty of water and go to the toilet regularly. Don’t hold back. Always wipe from front to back.

Make it a rule to pee after sex. Intestinal bacteria are more easily pushed around during sex and end up closer to the urethra. In the case of a mild urinary tract infection, a common reason is that you got it after having sex.


Moisture for the mucous membranes

There is a greater risk of getting a urinary tract infection if you have dry mucous membranes. Therefore, when entering menopause, some women experience a urinary tract infection for the first time in their life.

In case of vaginal dryness, there is a greater risk of small cracks appearing in the mucous membrane, and bacteria can attach themselves in these cracks more easily.

Therefore, it may be wise to add extra moisture to the vagina if you experience vaginal dryness. Lubricants provide extra moisture and slippiness during sex and reduce the risk of small cracks happening. An intimate cream helps to soften the skin after sex or when you experience dryness in the vagina.

If you want to go further, you can use a treatment. One example is RFSU Natural Moist Glide, which is a vaginal moisturizing gel that sticks on to the mucous membrane and helps the reconstruction of vaginal tissue. You can also try RFSU Natural Glide, which contains lactic acid, which helps the mucous membranes retain moisture and also strengthens the good bacteria in the vagina, which act as a barrier against vaginal infections.

Questions & answers

To find out even more, read our Questions & Answers about UrinCUR Utipro Plus here!

Last updated: 2023.08.22